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4th of July Styled Shoot | Preston, Idaho Girl Senior Photographer | Red, White, & Blue

July is my favorite month filled with birthday celebrations, 4th of July, my favorite family reunion, and rodeo weekend. I had had this 4th of July styled shoot planned in my head for a long time and this year I finally made it happen. Every month I try and come up with a new goal to reach in photography and planning my first styled shoot was a major success! These girls made all my 4th of July festivity dreams come true, so don't mind me if I share these allllll month long ;) We laughed, sang, played in the water, danced in smoke bombs, and even ate some popsicles. It doesn't get much better than that does it?

When I sent out a model call I was so excited when each of these girl sent out a request to fill the spot. They are not only stunning, but a freaking party to be around. Sign me up to take their pictures on the regular please! Thanks girls for being willing to hang out with me for the night and for helping me get my favorite pictures I've ever taken.

Happy Birthday America!

It's not a true party, unless there is a little dancing. Right? So we lit our smoke bombs, turned on some tunes, and danced in the smoky beauty.


Preston, Idaho Senior Girl Photographer | 4th of July Styled Shoot | Red White & Blue

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