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Green Family | Snowy Maternity Pictures

Today officially marks single digits until this sweet babes due date. I’m an emotional mess thinking how close it is to being over. I’m one of those crazy ladies that loves being pregnant so much and as excited as we are to meet this sweet new babe it breaks my heart to think this may be the last time I feel those little kicks on the inside. I was wanting family/maternity pictures in the snow for a long time. I had planned it out with my sister, Bailey, to be able to take our pictures when she came home for the weekend. I knew this may be our last baby, and I wanted to document our family as it is before we added another little one to our family. Everything was ready and I was loading the car when I got a phone call from my husband. I answered. And his first sentence was "You're gonna shoot me! I just shot an elk!" As excited as I was for him, I knew what that meant for me. No pictures. I went ahead and finished packing the kids in the car, and took the pictures without him. It went horribly. There were lots of tears (from all of us), a little yelling, and everyone had red noses. Bailey agreed to help us out for the second day in a row and we were able to retake them with all of us the next day. It went perfectly and these ended up being my favorite family pictures we have ever had!

I learned a lot with my last two pregnancies and finally feel like it’s okay to be excited. We all have different trials, and luckily infertility is not one of ours. I felt ashamed to be excited and talk about our family changing while others were struggling with loss or infertility. Heavenly Father has a better plan for all of us and has different callings for each of us.

At 38 1/2 weeks pregnant I cry whenever I think about how grown up Vince is going to seem. Or when I think of how special the moment is when they lay that precious little one on my chest. I cry when I think about buckling three kids into car seats. I cry when I think about if it’s a little boy or a girl that may complete our family. I cry when I think about Mary being in this far along and knowing she had a long journey on a donkey ahead of her to find nowhere to give birth to the most special baby to ever be born. How she must have felt knowing that she had been chosen to be Jesus mother. How blessed she felt for a stable when we complain about much more mild earthly situations.

Even though I spent over half of this pregnancy feeling nauseous I am grateful for the ability my body is still able to give me. I was still shooting family and senior sessions until 38 weeks pregnant. My body has been able to still let me play on the ground with my kids doing puzzles, or playing make believe games.

I’m craving all things chocolate or sugary in general. I fight the urge to make a pan of brownies most days because I know I could eat the whole pan before Justin were to get home from work. Let's just say I have been enjoying ALL the Christmas candy with no regret. Other cravings I have had have been ice cream, dutch oven potatoes, and pizza.

Exercise is a thing of the past...unless taking out the garbage counts...but even then I usually leave it on the porch for Justin to take down the stairs for me. It's too dang cold for that nonsense.

I have officially grown out of all of my clothes at this point. I have two pair of maternity pants, and less then a handful of shirts that even cover the bump. Kenidy told me just last week "mom, your shirts don't fit very good anymore." Justin's old t-shirt is my go to pajama shirt because it actually covers the growing belly.

Kenidy loves to talk to the baby and see if she can get it to kick her (she thinks that means it likes her story) She has been giving me lots of extra snuggles (meant for the baby) but I’ll take what I can get. Vince is intrigued by the fact that my belly button is sticking out and loves to pay my belly and say "baby" in the cutest little voice. The baby must love the warmth of Justin’s hands because it always goes crazy whenever he feels my belly.

We’re excited to see what gender it is. I’m certain it’s a boy, Justin guesses girl, Kenidy would like a sister but talks about her two brothers (Vince and baby), and I think it would be fun for Vince to have a little brother where they will be so close in age. But we would be happy with a boy or a girl. We are still talking names, but have a few we like.

I’m grateful for this wonderful holiday season 💜 I’m grateful for my beautiful family and a healthy body that can carry my most prized possessions until they are here in our arms 💛 I’m grateful for all of you that have supported and trusted me with capturing your special moments that tell your stories 💚 Merry Christmas from my little family to yours ❤️

♥/ Justin, Kylee, Kenidy, Vince, and Baby Green


Snowy Maternity Pictures | Family Maternity Pictures Inspiration

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