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Green Kids 2019 | Lilac Pictures | Family Photographer in Preston, ID


-Cutest Preschool grad. She loved Ms. Mindy and wishes summer school was offered so she could play all summer long with her friends

-Addicted to bubble gum and is always looking for an opportunity to chew some. Thanks to Grandma Kitty for the Bubble Tape pictured that only lasted 2.5 days...

-Started telling us about her "boyfriends"

-Playing Polly's at Grandma Kitty's is her favorite

-Super excited about her cat having kittens at Grandma's house

-Best helper with Walker and is always trying to make him laugh

-Her and Vince are the best of friends and like to play all day long. Mostly school, cars, coloring, or reading him a story


-Loves to show off his two pointer fingers whenever you ask how old he is

-Calls Kenidy "Nee" and Walker "Aker"

-Sugar addict. Can find any treat you have hidden in the cupboard

-Always has a wet wipe in his hand "cleaning" one of his toys

-Insists on sleeping in the middle of mom and dads bed. Somehow every morning he has snuck his way in

-Learning to ride the balance bike and is always trying to sneak outside to play

-Learning all his colors, but his favorite is purple lol


-We are addicted to our little fuzz head

-Loves to play with his toes

-Sticks his tongue out ALL the time

-Learning that a binky maybe isn't so bad afterall

-Just tried baby oatmeal and loved it

-Sits up by himself but not a fan of tummy time

-Started to laugh. Mostly at Kenidy. He thinks she is the funniest

-Such a good sport when your siblings try and smother you with loves

-Likes to go to primary with mom and have the girls all want to snuggle and try and sneak kisses

-Sleeping through the night is a thing of the past, and wakes up 2-3 times in the night for a midnight snack

-Wants to be held ALL the time. Mom never wore a baby carrier until this little guy joined our family. #multitasker


-Learning to keep up with three kids

-Teaching the sunbeams in primary

-Loving seeing the hard work start to pay off in photography and serving the BEST seniors and families

-Just accomplished her goal of running a 5k without stopping to walk. Prepping to run a half marathon one day in the future


-Hates pictures and was not game with having to take his pictures in front of the lilacs... lol

-The best dad out there and loves playing with his kids. They make his world go round

-Working his bum off at work while they are short handed

-Makes sure we have lots of good quality family time. His main priority

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1 Comment

Jun 11, 2019

You have such a beautiful little family. I love the blog and pictures...and what a awesome tribute to Mary!!! I miss her so much ..She wasn't just my sister-in-law, she was my sister and my best friend..... You are awesome at what you do....

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