You only graduate high school once! Let's make your senior pictures fun, unique, and an experience you
won't forget. Here are a few tips to help make your senior pictures stand out.
Senior sessions are fun! It's like a mini fashion shoot all about you with someone (me) telling you how perfect and beautiful you look. Who wouldn't love that? I'm here to capture you. I want to make a true connection with you and make it a fun experience. To say I don't come from each session with a new friend, lots of laughter, and have fun would be a lie. It's about the experience and to have fun.
That's my goal.
Once you have picked your outfits. (If you need help picking outfits, click here, for the what to
wear blog post)
Sports equipment, school club outfits, pets, balloons, sparklers, glitter/confetti, or car/truck/motorcycle can make your senior session unique and show off your personality and things you love.
Pick a season that shows off what you love and compliments what outfits you are wanting to wear. Spring and summer are filled with green vegetation, and flowers. Fall has beautiful colored foliage, and winter is filled with a snowy background. Think about the outfits you want to wear, and what season they will look best in.
Choosing a location can give you a look that is different and show off where you love to spend your time or bring out the beauty of the seasons. The options are endless!
Here are some ideas:
-A field
-A creek
-Junk yard
-An orchard
-An old building with rustic stairs
-A barn with weathered barn wood
-A local business you go to frequently
What you wear does matter for what location you choose. Be conscious, and don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions. Here are a few quick suggestions:
-Sun dresses and rompers look best in a field or nature setting
-Deep colors like navy and maroon look best in with greenery and nature
-Urban settings look amazing with black or a brighter colored top/dress.
-Dark colored jeans look best in urban settings, and light colored look best in natural settings
-If you are planning on wearing heels, plan on wearing them in an urban setting. Nature makes them look a bit silly and can cover them up completely.
Nails can add a special touch to your photos, but be careful it's not "too much." Bright colored nail polish or crazy patterns can be a distraction. Choose more neutral tones, a French manicure, or no nail polish at all. Please don't expect me to Photoshop if they are chipped. It takes a long time to fix and is an extra fee to fix.
Let's talk makeup. Whether you love makeup or are more of a natural girl, wear a bit more than you normally do. The camera naturally washes you out, so put more blush and eye shadow than you normally do. (Check out my 5 best makeup tips for better photographs here. ) Even if you don't normally wear makeup, add a little mascara and translucent powder to control shine. Have you considered a professional makeup artist? This day is all about you. Pamper yourself and feel amazing. It will show in your photos. A makeup artist can enhance your favorite features and conceal the ones you would rather hide.
Take advantage of "golden hour" (an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset) gives your pictures a soft, flattering, diffused light that makes your pictures look incredible. I try and book all sessions around golden hour, to get you that incredible light that accentuates your natural beauty.
I'm excited to be apart of your most memorable high school year! Let's make your pictures show your best self and compliment what you love to do and the things you love about yourself.
Make Your Senior Session Unique | Tips To Make Your Senior Pictures Stand Out