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Preston High School Senior Photographer | JR Carter

Jr's senior session was no doubt one of my favorites! He brought his motorcycle and his caring personality.  We all had a great time and laughed over his cheesy jokes. But my favorite part was watching him check himself out in his motorcycle's mirror. Or maybe when his mom hopped on the back of his motorcycle and tried to give him a kiss. Too many favorites to pick just one. The entire evening was fun!

I love when senior's let their mom tag along. I get to hear stories about their childhood and how proud they are of their kid. Jr's mom, Colleen, told us about how Jr has always been a tease. When your the only boy with 4 sisters you have to do something to keep up with them, right? She told a story of when he was about four years old he was black Friday shopping with his family. He put his older sister's shoes she was wearing into the store in one of the new shoe boxes. When it came time to go his sister was in a panic looking for her shoes. Luckily, they were able to find them again. I laughed and was so impressed that a four year old was clever enough to think of such a clever trick.

JR is a senior at Preston High school. Go Indians!  He is planning on going on a mission after he graduates. Until then he enjoys driving his motorcycle or his truck, being an FFA officer, and hunting. 

We went up Cub River in hopes of finding some fall leaves. The rain ruined our original plan when all the leaves were beautiful and vibrant. Luckily,  we were still able to find a beautiful spot.

The best part about senior sessions is that they are all so unique to show off each person's personality and strengths. Being a senior is such a fun and exciting time in your life. Good luck with the rest of your senior year Jr!


Preston High School Senior Pictures| Cache Valley Senior Photographer | JR Carter

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